My name is Biggi and I’m a professional adventure guide and driver in Iceland.

I’ve worked as a glacier, trekking and a driver-guide since 2015. I’ve have an extensive knowledge of guiding in multiple parts of Iceland, whether that is guiding the ring road around Iceland or in the highlands.

I love showing people from all over the world the natural beauty of Iceland and in the meantime give them a little insight into life, culture and history of the people on this little frozen rock in the North Atlantic.

I currently work for a company called Arctic Adventures, you can check out their tours here.


  • B.Sc. in Tourism Studies - University of Iceland

  • Adventure Guide Studies - Keilir/Thomson Rivers University

    • Mountaineering - Trekking - Kayaking - Rafting - Rock climbing.

  • Hard Ice Glacier Guiding 1 & 2 - AIMG

  • Wilderness First Responder - Wilderness Medical Associates

  • Commercial Drivers Licence

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